Qui Creavit Celum

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Instrumental Only?

For SA choir, alto solo, and organ. You will love this!  Also available for SATB. Text from the 13th-century Song of the Nuns of Chester.


Qui creavit celum, lully, lully, lu,
Nascitur in stabulo, etc.
Rex qui regit seculum.

Joseph emit panniculum,
Mater involvit Puerum,
Et ponit in presepio.

Inter animalia,
Jacent mundi gaudia,
Dulcis super omnia.

Lactat Mater Domini,
Osculatur parvulum,
Et adorat Dominum.

Roga, mater, Filium,
Ut det nobis gaudium,
In perenni gloria.

In sempiterna secula,
In eternum et ultra,
Det nobis sua gaudia.

[He who created the heavens
Is born in a stable,
The king who rules forever.

Joseph buys a little swaddling cloth;
The mother wraps the boy
And places him in the manger.

Among the animals
Lies the joy of the world
Sweeter than all else.

The Mother of the Lord gives milk;
She kisses her infant
And worships the Lord.

Mother, ask your Son
to grant us joy
In eternal glory.

Forever and ever
to eternity and beyond,
May he give us his joys.]