Behold, a Sower!

Moderately Easy radio_button_checked radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked radio_button_unchecked radio_button_unchecked
Instrumental Only?

SAB choir and Organ (or Piano). This rollicking early American tune (LEANDER from Johnson's Tennessee Harmony, 1818) is great fun to sing. Moderately easy to learn and one of those anthems that makes your small choir sound great.

Text: Washington Gladden, 1897, alt.


Behold a Sower! from afar

Goes onward forth with might; 

The rolling years the furrows are, 

The seed, the growing light; 

For all the just God’s Word is sown,

It springeth up alway; 

The tender blade is hope’s young dawn, 

The harvest, love’s new day.

O Lord of life, to you we lift 

Our hearts in praise for those, 

Your prophets, who have shown 
Your gift
Of grace that ever grows, 

Of truth that spreads from shore to shore, 

Of wisdom’s wid'ning ray, 

Of light that shineth more and more 

Unto the perfect day.

Shine forth, O Light, that we may see, 

With hearts all unafraid, 

The meaning and the mystery 

Of things that You have made;
Shine forth, and let the long dark past 

Beneath the beam grow bright;

Shine forth, and touch the future vast 

With Your untroubled light.

Light up Your Word; the ancient page 

From all past bondage free, 

Light up our way; lead forth this age 

In love’s large liberty. 

Oh, light of light! within us dwell, 

Through us Your radiance pour, 

That word of life all truth may tell, 

And praise You evermore!