Crawford R. Thoburn

More than one hundred of Crawford R. Thoburn's choral compositions, arrangements, and editions have been published. Choirs across the U.S. and throughout the world sing his music, with performances recently noted in Nova Scotia, British Columbia, England, Germany, Austria, France, South Africa, Singapore, India, and Taiwan. Professional, church, and college groups record his works, which have been broadcast on National Public Radio and Public Radio International. Crawford earned his B.A. from Allegheny College, where he studied theory, arranging, and conducting with Morten J. Luvaas. At Boston University, he received an M.M. and worked as an assistant to his instructor in voice and conducting, Allen C. Lannom. He later studied conducting with Otto-Werner Mueller, Margaret Hillis and Robert Shaw, and sang with the St. Martin Singers of London, England, under the direction of W. D. Kennedy-Bell. In July, 2011, he was named Emeritus Professor of Music at Wells College in Aurora, NY, where he had served as the Director of Choral Activities and chaired the Division of the Arts while teaching voice, conducting, theory, and music history. In August 2011, he became the Chancel Choir Director of the First Presbyterian Church of Skaneateles NY, where his wife, Karen A. Hindenlang, serves as Director of Music and Organist.