O Be Joyful!

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Instrumental Only?

For Congregation, Choir, Keyboard, Percussion and Handbells. This is a FUN setting of Psalm 100 that your congregation will love! Including many options, you can use handbells, percussion, kids, choir, clergy, cantors - whatever you can manage. The anitiphon (refrain) appears in canon the last time through, and works so well that your folks might even forget to stop singing. This piece is not only perfect for any celebratory service, but would be a wonderful Psalm setting, anthem, introit, or processional for a Choir Kickoff Sunday as well.


O be joyful in our God all the earth! Bring a song of praise to our Creator!
O be joyful in our God all the earth! Praise the source of breath and life.

Choir or Cantor 

1. May all lands be joyful before you, O God;
Serve you with gladness
and come before your presence with a song.

2. For we know that you are God;
you yourself have made us and we are yours;
We are your people and the sheep of your pasture. 

3. We shall enter your gates with thanksgiving,
go into your courts with praise;
Give thanks to you and call upon your name. 

4. For you are good; your mercy is everlasting;
And your faithfulness endures from age to age.