Jacob B. Weber

Jacob B. Weber is a 2010 graduate from Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, MN and is currently enrolled in the Masters of Church Music program at Concordia University Wisconsin. He has studied organ with Dr. Kenneth Logan (Andrew’s University), Prof. Judith Kresnicka (Bethany Lutheran College), and currently with Dr. John Behnke (Concordia University Wisconsin). Having earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Church Music, he presently serves as Kantor at Emmanuel Lutheran Church and School (LCMS) in Dearborn, MI, fulfilling worship planning, teaching and organ responsibilities. He also directs numerous adult and children’s ensembles at Emmanuel, including the choir, handbells, and brass. Most of all, he finds great joy and fulfillment in teaching children God’s great gift of music. With experience as an organist and director, he is an active, published composer. His organ and choral editions appear in several catalogs including Concordia Publishing House, Northwestern Publishing House, St. James Music Press, and in the coming months Augsburg Fortress and Choristers Guild.