The Lord's Prayer

Moderately Easy radio_button_checked radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked radio_button_unchecked radio_button_unchecked
Instrumental Only?

Grade 3-6 Children's Choir (or any age choir) for unison treble voices, flute and piano (or harp or organ).

  • Text Source: Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord's Prayer, paraphrased by Troy Mc,Clure)
  • Vocal Part(s): Unison Vocal Range: e-d’
  • Key: E minor
  • Meter: 3/4
  • Accompanying Instruments: Flute (or violin), oboe (optional), piano (or harp or organ)

Anthem Warm-Ups:

  • “For yours is the Kingdom on earth and in heaven” (m. 46-51)
  • Final measures (54-56) of vocal line (do-re-mi) for intonation

Teaching Points:

  • Satie-like style of the anthem
  • Finding the apex of each phrase
  • Executing subtle dynamic shading

January 2010 Newsletter


Our Father in Heaven, holy is your Name; your kingdom come, your will be done, in earth and heaven the same. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our sin; as we forgive each other for all we've done and been. Keep us from temptation, ever in your care. Deliver us from evil, every day and everywhere.  For yours is the kingdom on earth and in heaven, the power and the glory for ever.